Game Types

Supported Game Types
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Individual, gross score only game. Any # of players allowed.
Individual, stroke game. Net score calculated off of gross score minus the players designated strokes according to player handicap and hole handicap. Any # of players allowed.
Front 9 Net
Individual, stroke game. Same as “Stroke” game but front nine scores only. Any # of players allowed. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Back 9 NET
Individual, stroke game. Same as “Stroke” game but back nine scores only. Any # of players allowed. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Modified Stableford
Individual, quota game. Any # of players allowed.
The player’s quota is 36 – player’s handicap.
e.g. If a player’s handicap is 15, their quota is 21. If they finish with 22 stableford points their score result and position in the game is based on a quota of +1 (22 vs 21).
That example player would lead players with a lower quota (quota’s can be negative) and trail players with higher quota.
A player’s score per hole is as listed below.
NOTE: This game was created for one of the pioneering groups that use ScoreLynx. The point values listed below match their specific game. I work with this group periodically to “tweak” the points to help make the game as fair as possible for their group. If you have a particular game that your group uses, I’d be happy to work with you to customize ScoreLynx for your needs. See contact information to get in touch with me for a request like this.
The points per hole for this game are based on mapping the player gross scores as follows:
- Eagle or better = 5
- Birdie = 3
- Par = 2
- Bogie = 1
- Double Bogie = 0
- Triple Bogie or worse = -1
PGA Stableford
Individual, stableford game. Any # of players allowed.
Similar to “Traditional Stableford” except the net score mapping’s are as follows:
- Double Eagle or better = 8
- Eagle = 5
- Birdie = 2
- Par = 0
- Bogie = -1
- Double Bogie or worse = -3
Same as “PGA Stableford” game but front nine scores only. Any # of players allowed. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Same as “PGA Stableford” game but front nine scores only. Any # of players allowed. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Traditional Stableford
Individual, stableford game. Any # of players allowed.
A player’s score per hole is based on their net score based on the hole’s handicap (index). The player’s Stableford points are based on mapping their net score as follows:
- Double Eagle or better = 5
- Eagle = 4
- Birdie = 3
- Par = 2
- Bogie = 1
- Double Bogie or worse = 0
Individual, quota game. Any # of players allowed.
The player’s quota is 36 – player’s handicap. A player’s points per hole are as listed below. A player’s current score is based on their total points vs their quota.
e.g. If a player’s handicap is 15, their quota is 21. If they finish with 22 points their score result and position in the game is based on a quota of +1 (22 vs 21). That example player would lead players with a lower quota (quota’s can be negative) and trail players with higher quota.
Points for this game are based on mapping player gross scores as follows:
- Eagle or better = 8
- Birdie = 4
- Par = 2
- Bogie = 1
- Double Bogie = 0
- Triple Bogie or worse = -1
Front 9 Quota
Same as “Quota” game but front nine scores only. Any # of players allowed. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Back 9 Quota
Same as “Quota” game but back nine scores only. Any # of players allowed. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Cha Cha Cha
4 player team game. Team’s score as:
Hole number 1 – best 1 net
Hole number 2 – best 2 net
Hole number 3 – best 3 net
Repeat for 3,4,5, etc…
One Two Three
4 player team game. Team’s score as:
Par 5’s – best 1 net
Par 4’s – best 2 net
Par 3’s – best 3 net.
Modified Bridgeman
4 player team game. Team’s score as:
Holes 1-6 – best 1 net
Holes 7-12 – best 2 net
Holes 13-17 – best 3 net
Hole 18 – best 4 net
4 player team game.
Rotating Team Two Best Net Score as:
Holes 1-6 team score is best net of the AD players and best net of the BC players
Holes 7-12 team score is best net of the AB players and best net of the CD
Holes 13-18 team score is best net of the AC players and best net of the BD players.
Two Three Four
4 player team game. Team’s score as:
Holes 1-4 – best 2 net
Holes 5-7 – best 3 net
Holes 8-9 – best 4 net.
Repeat on back nine
One Best Gross
2-4 player, team, stroke game.
Team score is based on the one best gross score for the team.
Front 9 One Best Gross
Same as “One Best Gross” game but front nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Back 9 One Best Gross
Same as “One Best Gross” game but back nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
One Best Net
2-4 player, team, stroke game.
Team score is based on the one best net score for the team.
Front 9 One Best Net
Same as “One Best Net” game but front nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Back 9 One Best Net
Same as “One Best Net” game but back nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
2-4 player, team, stroke game.
Best second net on each hole.
Front 9 second BEST NET
Same as “Second Best Net” game but front nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Back 9 second BEST NET
Same as “Second Best Net” game but back nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Two BEST gross
2-4 player, team, stroke game.
Team score is based on the two best gross scores for the team.
front 9 Two BEST gross
Same as “Two Best Gross” game but front nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
back 9 Two BEST Gross
Same as “Two Best Gross” game but back nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
2-4 player, team, stroke game.
Team score is based on the two best net scores for the team.
front 9 Two BEST NET
Same as “Two Best Net” game but front nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
Back 9 Two BEST NET
Same as “Two Best Net” game but back nine scores only. (Useful for setting up Nassau type games)
HILo Net
2-4 player team game. Team score is the sum of the lowest net score and the highest net score.
3-4 player, team, stroke game.
Team score is based on the three best net scores for the team.
One Net / One Gross
2-4 player, team, stroke game.
Team score is based on the one best net score and one best gross score for the team.
Two Net / One Gross
2-4 player, team, stroke game.
Team score is based on the two best net scores and the one best gross score for the team.
1-4 player team game. ScoreLynxPro will auto generate the teams for a scramble game. Just enter the number of teams.
Gross score, one score per team.
Front 9 Scramble
Same as “Scramble” game, but only played on the front 9.
back 9 Scramble
Same as “Scramble” game but back 9 only.
3 player, indivdual, stroke game. Player’s Nine score per hole is computed as follows:
- Best net score alone = 5
- Best net score two tie = 4
- Second best net score alone = 3
- Second best net score two tie = 2
- Worst net score alone = 1
Please contact us with suggestions for new game types.